Class Day Out in Kilkenny
On a particularly cold and frosty friday in early December, my class set out on a trip to the Marble city, aka Kilkenny. There we spent a day in small groups, recording things of interest throughout our day, on a meandering route that lead from Kilkenny Castle, along the mall, into the Design Centre and it's courtyards, and along some of the streets between the main drag and the river. The end point turned out to be St Canice's Cathedral. Here are some of the marks that I made in the little notebook brought along for the purpose, as well as some photos. Starting point: the grounds of the castle. But first into the Gallery in the courtyard of the Design Centre, where there was a wonderful WARM gallery full of interesting ceramic works. The one above is by Cormac Boydell Moving on down the Parade: But first, some drawings. Here is a quick one done on arrival before meeting my grou...